Master List of Best Practices
Alphabetical Listing of Risk Areas
Advance Beneficiary Notices
Bad Debt
Billing for Hospital Inpatient Services
Billing for OPPS Hospital Outpatient Services
Certification and Recertification
Clinical Trials Reimbursement
Common Coding Errors (including Upcoding and Unbundling)
Copayments and Deductibles
Critical Access Hospitals (CAH)
Diagnostic X-Rays in the Emergency Room
Drugs, Biologicals and Radiopharmaceuticals
False Claims Exposure
Hospital-Acquired Conditions/Present-on-Admission Indicators
Inpatient-Only Procedures
Length of Stay Issues
Long-Term Care Hospitals
Implantable Medical Devices
Medical Necessity
Medicare Cost Reports
Medicare Secondary Payer
‘Never’ Events
Observation or Admission
Outlier Payments
Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
Overpayments and Credit Balances
Physician Supervision of Outpatient Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services
Records Management
The Three-Day Payment Window (72-Hour Rule)
Transfers and Discharges